Monday, April 27, 2015

Peethala(gluten free)

Many North Indian dishes are made by using besan as ingredient.This peethala is also made with besan( chickpea flour)  and vegetables.This is a quick recipe.


1 cup besan (chick pea flour)
2 1/2 cup  water
1 cup finely chopped vegetables( cauliflower flower,cabbage,potatoes beans and carrots)
1/2 cup green peas
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder
1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder

2 tab spoon finely chopped green coriander and mint leaves
1 tabspoon chopped ginger
2 tabspoon fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon jeera
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
A pinch of hing
1/4 teaspoon garam masala
3tabspoon oil

In a bowl make a batter of besan (chick pea flour)with water .Add salt,chilli powder,and chopped vegetables
In a thick bottomed pan pour oil and heat then add hing ,jeera,mustard seeds.When mustard seeds starts spluttering then pour the batter and stirr so as to avoid forming lumps.Add peas.
When it gets cooked then it will take a thick consistency. This will take 8 to 10 minutes.
Now add lemon juice,garam masala,ginger and chopped coriander.
Stir well and switch off the burner.Let it cool for 5 minutes and peethala is ready to serve.
This can be eaten with roti or paratha or  with rice for gluten free .This tastes good even if it is eaten as it is .
Good for those who have diabetes and those also having glutten  allergy.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Missi roti

Roti is staple food of most North Indian people.It is made out of whole wheat flour mixed with water and kneaded in dough.Then with the help of rolling pin can be rolled into round shape and baked directly on a hot griddle called tawa. This is the simple most roti.For a change we will make missi Roti which is made of different kind of flours like bajare,maze and wheat flour.


1 cup maze (Makka) flour
1cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup bajara flour
 2.  teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon red chilli powder
1/2 teaspoon haldi powder
1/2. Teaspoon. Garam masala powder
1/8. Teaspoon hing powder

1 teaspoon. Sesame seeds
1 teaspoon ajwain

1/4 cup fresh fenugreek leaves chopped or 2 table spoon of dried kasuri methi

Mix all the ingredients and with water knead well to make a dough.divide into 8 equal parts.
Now on rolling board sprinkle dry flour and then with the help of rolling pin roll into round roti.
Rolling is somewhat tricky.These rotis are not as thin as whole wheat roti.q
On a hot tawa roast it and then apply ghee or butter .

Serve with fresh yogurt and pickle or chutneys.

Sunday, April 12, 2015



In different parts of country staple food is also different.Food of a particular place varies according  to the main crop of that region.Like northern part produces wheat so rotisserie made of wheat flour is the main food of north India.In southern region rice and tour dal is the main produce so their rice is
Main food.

These rotis  are also made in different ways but the most popular in northern India is roti made by kneading wheat flour with water.and then the dough made is rolled in round shape .baking on a griddle and later on direct fire or burner.
Every one knows this simple method but still there are few tips to make soft delicious rotis .
The main aim of writing this recipe is to let you know the trick.
Ingredients required
2 cups wheat flour
2/3 cups water
 In a bowl mix flour and water thoroughly to make the dough.Cover the bowl with a clean muslin cloth and keep aside for at least 15 minutes.
Knead it again to make the dough soft.
Divide the dough into 20 equal balls.Coat ball with dry flour and with the help of a rolling pin roll roti on  a rolling board.on a hot tawa (griddle)put roti after 30 seconds flip the side of the roti.After next 30 seconds take the tawa from the burner and roast the roti directly on the burner.
It will pop like a ball on burner within few seconds.Remove from the flame and apply ghee on it with a spoon.Calorie conscious can eat without ghee.Serve with your favorite sabji.

Softness of roti depends upon the consistency of dough.Soft dough will make soft roti.

Udaipur ka kila(city palace)

वैसे तो राजस्थान का नाम सुनते ही रेगिस्तान ही दिमाग में आता हे लेकिन मेवाड़ का इलाका जहाँ पर उदयपुर बसा हुआ है एकदम अलग है
उदयपुर शहर राजा  उदयसिंह द्वरा बसाया गया था।इसके पहले मेवाड़  की राजधानी चितोड़  थी
झीलों की नगरी उदयपुर   राजस्थान के कश्मीर के नाम से भी जानी  जाती हे ।इस इलाके में तालाबो एवं पहाड़ों की भरमार हे ।उदयपुर का किला जिसे  citypalace भी कहते हैं यहाँ की  प्रसिद्द झील पिछोला  के  पूर्वी किनारे पर है ।.
किले का मुख्य द्वार जगदीश चौक के बायीं तरफ है कहा जाता है की इस किले को  बनाने में २२  राजाओं द्वारा अलग अलग समय पर योगदान दिया गया है


किले के अंदर 
इसके पहले मेवाड़  की राज धानी चित्तोड़  थी ।  किले के पीछे की और बहुत  घाट बने हुए हे तालाब मे जाने के लिए ।जेसे  बंसी घाट ,मोहन घाट आदि ।पहाड़ी इलाका होने के कारण  किले के प्रवेश द्वार से थोड़ी चढ़ाई  कर के किले में प्रवेश करते हे  इस किले के अधिकांश भाग को  संग्रहालय   बना दिया   गया हे जहाँ एतिहासिक चित्रों एवं कलाकृतियों को सहेज कर रखा गया हे ।भीतरी महलों में नक्काशी एवं चित्रकारी देखते ही बनती हे ।मयूर चौक में शीशे का बना हुआ मोर प्राचीन  समय की कला को दर्शाता हे ।
लक्ष्मी चौक में  बहुत सुंदर पालकियां रखी  हुई  है ।यहाँ से रानियाँ  पालकी में बैठ कर किले के बाहर प्रस्थान करती थी ।
महलों के झरोखे पिछोला झील में खुलते है और वहां से प्रकृतके  ख़ूबसूरत नज़ारे का आनंद लिया जा सकता है 

जब राजा उदयसिंह मुग़लों द्वारा युद्ध में हार गए तो अपनी  राजधानी उदयपुर शहर बसा कर यहाँ बना ली। 

यह इस सिटी पैलेस के अंदर बहुत महल बने हुए है। 


                                                    किले के महलों  का दृश्य पिछोला झील से

किले के पीछे की और देखने पर जग निवास और जग मंदिर की खुबसूरत इमारते जो की झील में बनायी हुयी हे दर्शक का मन मोह लेती हे। आज इनमे से एक को तो होटल बना दिया गया हे। होटल लेक पैलेस के नाम से मशहूर हे।
उदयपुर में एक और झील जिसका नाम फतेहसागर हे बहुत ही सुन्दर पर्यटन स्थल हे। झील का सामने ही मोती मगरी पर महाराणा प्रताप का स्मारक बना हुआ हे।

फतेहसागर के किनारे पर घूमने का एक अद्भुत आनंद आता हे। यह किनारा फतेहसागर की पाल के नाम से जाना जाता
हे. मेवाड़ की जलवायु गुलाब की पैदावार के लिए काफी उपर्युक्त हे। उदयपुर में एक बगीचे का नाम ही गुलाब बाग़ हे. इस बाग़ के अंदर एक जंतुआलय ,एवं एक बच्चों के लिए खिलौना गाडी भी हे। इसी बगीचे में एक पुस्तकालय भी हे जिसका नाम सरस्वती भवन पुस्तकालय हे।
इतना छोटा सा शहर लेकिन मनोरंजन से भरपूर हे। राजाओं के जमाने में रानियों के मनोरंजन के लिए अलग से उद्यान की व्यवस्था की गयी थी। इस जगह को सहेलियों की बाड़ी कहा जाता हे। यहां पर विशेष पर्वों पर केवल औरतों को ही जाने की प्रथा थी. अब भी सावन के त्योहारों पर यह स्थान स्त्रियों के लिए ही आरक्षित रहता हे।
पर्वतीय क्षेत्र होने से चारों तरफ से पहाड़ियों से गिरा हुआ शहर हे.ऐसी ही एक पहाड़ी पर सज्जन गढ़ की ईमारत हे। यह इमारत अपने आप में तो दर्शनीय हे ही लेकिन यहाँ से पूरे उदयपुर एवं मेवाड़ का दृश्य भी देखने योग्य हे.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Rajasthan state is full of history and forts,and arts.Each fort tells its own history through its sculpture
and the kind of  stone used to build it.Jaisalmer is at the western part of the state.
Whole city is surrounded by sand dunes.Stone used for buildings is yellow stone which glows in sunlight hence the city is also called golden city or in hindi swarn nagari.
As one drives towards Jaisalmer from Jodhpur which is 300 km apart,can see an abrupt change in the color of sand and stones.tourists from all over the world come to Jaisalmer to enjoy the scenic view of sand dunes.This small and quiet town which it was a few decades ago has now become the most saught after by tourists now.

The fort is made of yellow stone and is built on a hillock.It has a museum and palaces.As this yellow stones takes carving so well one can see windows and small balconies (jharokhas) beautifully carved.

The interesting fact is that people live inside the fort.One can see combination of local residents and tourists from all around the world moving in the fort.These local residents have converted their houses into small hotels.
The place is so much tourist friendly that one can see boys of 12 year old speaking English French and German languages.
For enjoying the camel rides in sand dunes one has to travel some 50 kilometers from the town.
This spot is known as Sum sand dunes.The nearby village is called Sum and so this spot is called Sum.One can find lots of camels with their owners to give tourist a ride which is an amazing experience

                                                                   Sand dunes at sum
.Camel can walk easily in sand .This Sum is just near the Indo Pak border.
In Sum  area so many hotels have come up during last two decades and few of these hotels have put some tents with all necessary amenities for tourists to spend a night in open desert .
I recommend Jaisalmer is worth visiting a place to have an unique experience of desert life.

One can reach Jaisalmer by  road or by train .
Rajasthan Tourism Developement Corporation known as RTDC runs a hotel named Moomal
with lodging boarding facility.



Spices  (मसाले )


Cummin seeds                     25 gms
Cloves                                10 gms'
Bay leaves                          10 gms
Cardamom big variety         20 gms
Mace                                  15gms
black pepper                       15 gms
cinnamon sticks                   10gms
keep all these spices in sunlight for three to four hours and then grind them in a grinder to make fine powder.Store in an air tight jar

To adjust the spicy level quantity of cloves and pepper can be increased or decreased.

Dried mint


Take a bunch of fresh mint leaves.Wash them and spread on a clean muslin cloth under the shade.

Within two days it will get dried.Store in an air tight container.

When want to use crush it fresh and sprinkle.

Tips :
1 always dry in shade not in sunlight
2  To retain the green colour of leaves and aroma  it should be dried during dry weather.Do not try during rainy season.

tea masala (chai masala)

20 gms cardamom pods 

20 gms dried ginger

10 gms black pepper

Grind into a fine powder

Store in an airtight container


Dried ginger should be broken into small pieces before putting into grinder.

Quantity of black pepper can be adjusted to adjust the hot level

Sambhar powder

Ingredients required

1/4 cup fenugreek seeds

1/4 cup  mustard seeds

1/4 cup  chana dal

1/4 cup urad dal

1/4 cup whole dried coriander seeds

30 curry leaves

15 dried whole red chillies(optional)

In a pan roast each of the  ingredients separately as each require different timings.

Roast chanadal till it starts turning brown and gives a good aroma.

Same way Urad dal is to be roasted.

Roast mustard seeds till it starts splittering.

Roast fenugreek seeds till it changes color from yellow to dark yellow.

Red chilli should be roasted to make it dry

Curry leaves are to be roasted till they become dry.

Coriander seeds should be roasted till they starts giving a good aroma.

Let all roasted ingredients dry then mix all and grind to a fine powder in a grinder.

Store in an air tight container

To adjust the hot taste quantity of chillies can be varied or removed.